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Battle Dudes

Battledudes.io is a real multiplayer 2d shooter game with a fully destructible map, where you fight other teams and players for the victory! The game has multiple distinct maps and multiple gamemodes for you to choose from, with many map and gamemode combinations. To aid you in fighting the enemies at your arsenal you have over 20 different weapons that you can unlock by playing the game and gaining XP points. In larger maps you can use vehicles like the jeep and the tank to quickly travel the map and transport your friends as well. While driving the jeep your friend who sits in the passenger seat can shoot at enemies! Meanwhile the heavily armored tank is a single seater, however it boasts a powerful tank turret shooting exploding rockets. Just watch out for the long reload time. All guns and player in Battledudes.io behave the same, however if you can influence that behaviour by selecting one or two of the unlockable perks. Perks can increase your weapon damage, health amount, weapons switch speed, weapon reload speed, your running speed and many other stats. This allows you to make many weapon and perk combinations for you own gameplay style! To communicate with your teammates use the emoji wheel. Summoned by the right mouse click, it allows you to communicate with teammates regardless of your and others language. By playing the game and gaining coins you can unlock and purchase many new emotes. Battledudes.io includes a leaderboard with daily, weekly and all time statistics. If you create an account to save your XP, progress you can also compete with other in the leaderboards. In the games show you can purchase new hats and emotes with either the coins currency or the gems currency. Coins are earned by playing the game and gaining XP. Gems can be purchased from the store. Each currency can buy a certain set of items.

Profitez de Battle Dudes!

Utilisez les touches W A S D pour se déplacer. Vous pouvez personnaliser les contrôles. Use the W A S D keys to move. Use mouse to aim and shoot. Use E to enter car. Use R to reload weapon. Use 1 2 3 4 to change weapon. All controls are customizable.


How to play Battle Dudes

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